IB and IGCSE revision courses with Shanghai Expat Tutors

  • Family
  • Kids’ Classes
Shanghai Expat Tutors , Sat 01 Apr 2017 - Sat 08 Apr 2017

This event has now passed.

From April 1-8, Shanghai Expat Tutors will be running courses for students sitting their IGCSE and IB exams. These classes will act as revision sessions for the final exams that kick off earliest in April; they will provide a structured review of the content and skills covered during the whole program and are led by experienced tutors who are familiar with both courses. Packages range from 2,500-4,500RMB, depending on the type of tutoring.

For more information on these sessions, contact Shanghai Expat Tutors at 6226 8161 or email them at shanghaiexpattutors@mail.com.

Date: Sat 01 Apr 2017 - Sat 08 Apr 2017
Time: 9am-late
Event website: http://www.shanghaiexpattutors.com
Venue name: Shanghai Expat Tutors
English address: Room 202, Lane 1661, 34 Changning Lu, Changning district
Chinese address: 弄1661, 长宁路34
Event telephone: 6227 8161
Event email: shanghaiexpattutors@mail.com