Uptown Records 'n' Beer

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131 Yongfu Lu
This friendly hangout and off-shoot of Pingwu Lu basement vinyl den Uptown features a more curated selection of LPs along with a couple of fridges full of craft beers from China and abroad. Uptown’s selection of international brews is strong, but it’s also a good place to back the home team, with China brews from Master Gao and Shanghai’s own Westwood Ales (from 24RMB). It’s also very dog friendly.
Venue name: Uptown Records 'n' Beer
Opening hours: 2-11pm daily
Metro: Shanghai Library
English address: 131 Yongfu Lu, Near Fuxing Xi Lu, Xuhui district
Chinese address: 徐汇区永福路131号, 近复兴西路