Big Bamboo (Hongqiao)

  • Bars
  • Pubs
  • Bars
  • Kung Fu Comedy Club
3388 Hongmei Lu
Big Bamboo is one of the larger and more popular sports bars in the city. There are live feeds of almost every sport imaginable, hearty pub food and the beer is moderately priced as well as pool tables and foosball tables dotted throughout.
Venue name: Big Bamboo (Hongqiao)
Opening hours: 10am-2am daily
Metro: Hongqiao Lu
English address: No. 20, Hongmei Entertainment Street, 3388 Hongmei Lu, near Huaguang Lu, Changning district
Chinese address: 长宁区虹梅路3338号虹梅路休闲街26号, 近吴中路