Xin Dau Ji

  • Restaurants
  • Chinese
  • Cantonese/Dim Sum
47 Xinle Lu
This Michelin-starred Hong Kong import has maintained its star power with its Shanghai expansion. Their dim sum, such as a shrimp dumplings nearly too big for one bite and slippery soft changfen, are superb. 

Their top dish, named ‘chicken balls’ in Chinese, it’s actually thin sheets of chicken meat coated in numbing Sichuan peppercorn powder and served atop a crunchy layer of seaweed. The chicken is exceptionally tender while the tingle from the spice coating is just strong enough to raise a few hairs on the back of your neck, contrasting beautifully with the crisp and power fully salty deep fried seaweed. 

By Crystyl Mo

Venue name: Xin Dau Ji
Opening hours: 11-2am daily
Metro: Shaanxi Nan Lu
English address: 47 Xinle Lu, near Xiangyang Lu, Xuhui district
Chinese address: 新斗记 徐汇区新乐路47号, 近襄阳北路