Shenhui Secondhand Store

  • Shops & Services
  • Vintage & second hand
604-605 Jianguo Xi Lu
It’s a great place to find some good deals on a whole range of items, from the functional to the unusual. You might have to look past quite a few tattier items before finding something you want – there’s an excess of worn-looking bedframes and bland cabinets – but if you’re undeterred, you can find some very unusual delights, such as a large wooden seat in a traditional Chinese style (280RMB), a fabulous wooden hat stand (120RMB) and several old vintage typewriters (500RMB) – all at prices that won’t break the bank.
Venue name: Shenhui Secondhand Store
Metro: Shaanxi Nan Lu
English address: 604-605 Jianguo Xi Lu, near Anting Lu, Xuhui district
Chinese address: 徐汇区建国西路604-605号,近安亭路