SHC Archery

  • Things to Do
  • Things to Do
Photograph: SHC Archery
101 Xikang Lu
The sleek and modern SHC Archery is in stark contract to others on this list with its brightly lit layout. Lanes are limited, though here is a good option for those who need extra assistance with form, as the instructors are readily available to help with any concerns you may have (though only in Chinese). Shoot by the sheaf, the half hour or the hour at various prices starting from 98RMB. You can also hire a private tutor or attend classes of 2-4 people, starting from 598RMB. Once you’re done shooting, there’s an attached café where you can chill.
Venue name: SHC Archery
Opening hours: 10am-9pm daily
English address: 101 Xikang Lu, near Nanyang Lu
Chinese address: 西康路101号,近南阳路